Monday, January 16, 2017

Back Again for the Second Time

Hello Again,

This post has been three years in the making. My last post on this blog was in 2014. Several times I have thought about picking up the blog again, but it's like when you haven't spoken to someone in a while. Time passes into that stage where if you call them back it will be awkward. You don't know if you will be well received. Well, three years is definitely in the awkward stage, but I decided to start writing again. This time it isn't just to document my natural hair journey. There have been a lot of things dividing my attention. I became a nail polish enthusiast and learned about nail art, indie polishes, and how to do a pretty good manicure at home. I had a second child. Juggling a 5 year old and a toddler while being a working mom has taken a lot of my time. Life has happened in the past few years, and with it  I have fallen off my hair care regime and my stay at home manicures. I haven't been taking the time I used to for myself for many many reasons.

My goal for this blog is to continue writing about my hair care journey. In addition to that I decided to include anything from my life as a working mom that I feel may be entertaining, helpful, any inquiries I may have or advice I may need. As I was trying to take care of my hair I was also taking care of my nails and I hope to have them healthy again. I am also learning how to take care of my children's hair. Since they are mixed their hair is quite different than mine. I am learning what works, what doesn't, and even how to style my little girl's hair (my french braiding needs a LOT of work). To document the shenanigans with my kids I have created a page titled The Bean Kids. I am hoping to make time at least twice a month, hopefully once per week. I hope you will be along for the ride.


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